From: SMS on
I've been translating the northern Chinese breakfast menu (点心) which
at most restaurants in the U.S. is not provided in English. The problem
is that for many selections, it's not obvious what they are from their
Chinese characters.

I'm mostly done, but there are a someitems that I'm stuck on. I put a ?
mark in front of the ones I definitely need help with, though many of
them probably have better descriptions.

Note: If your browser isn't set to display Chinese then this list may
look like gibberish.

If anyone out there could help, it would be appreciated. I'll also put
the Pinyin in the final version.

Most of these items are from A&J, a famous chain of 点心 restaurants
with locations around the world.

? 冰豆花 Cold Soybean (or is it tofu)
冰豆漿 Cold Soybean Milk
? 菜肉大餛飩 Vegetables meat big ravioli
重酥蟹殼黃 Layer flaky crab shell yellow
蔥花蛋餅 Green Onion Flower Blossom Egg Pancake
蔥油餅 Green onion oil pancake (scallion pancake)
擔擔麵 Spicy Sichuan noodles
? 豆沙酥餅 Bean paste flaky Cake (is this a cake with red bean?)
紅燒牛筋麵 Chili stew beef tendon noodles
紅燒牛肉麵 Chili stew beef noodles
紅燒牛肉細粉 Chili stew beef thin powder
紅油抄手 chili oil wonton
花素蒸餃 vegetarian steamed dumpling
金絲卷 (劄) gold thread roll (fried)
韭菜盒子 Leek Turnovers (chive ravioli)
蘿蔔絲餅 Radish Turnip Cake
? 牛肉燒餅 Pita Bread w/Simmered Beef
牛肉蒸餃 Steamed Beef Dumpling
糯米飯糰 Sticky rice roll
清燉牛肉麵 Clear beef stew noodles
清粥 Clear porridge
燒餅 Baked sesame seed coated cake
手抓餅 shredded pancake
? 素菜大包 Plain vegetables big cover
酸辣麵 sour hot noodles
? 甜豆花 Sweet Soybean?
甜豆漿 Sweet Soybean Milk
? 鹹豆花 Salty Soybean (or is it tofu)
鹹豆漿 Salty Soybean Milk
鮮肉鍋貼 Pot Stickers
小籠包 Shanghai dumplings
小龍湯包 Shanghai soup dumplings
小米粥 small rice porridge
雪菜肉絲麵 Snow vegetables meat thin noodles
? 銀絲卷 (蒸) silver thread roll (steamed)
油條 Long Chinese donut
? 榨菜肉絲麵 Pickled vegetables and pork thin noodles
中華路鍋貼 Zhong Hua Road pot stickers
豬肉燒餅 Pita Bread with Pork
抓餅 Thousand Layer Pancake