From: Las Vegas Don on
Communicate with others all around the world in a moderated forum.
Everyone wants and needs a better, faster and smarter system! Take a
look, see if it will assist you with info and associations that will
be useful and exciting!! A collective positive awareness /
information is always better and more useful than the alternatives we

From: Gary on
On 8/1/2010 9:22 PM, Las Vegas Don wrote:
> Communicate with others all around the world in a moderated forum.
> Everyone wants and needs a better, faster and smarter system! Take a
> look, see if it will assist you with info and associations that will
> be useful and exciting!! A collective positive awareness /
> information is always better and more useful than the alternatives we
> see.
> Don

Not in Las Vegas Don,


Strevel wants us to believe that he overclocks his computer. This is the
same guy who has yet to figure out how to use a spell checker. Funny
there are no posts from 'VegasDon'.

My head is exploding at the idea of it.


"Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own
father can make you live forever if you telepathically tell him you
accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul
that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a
talking snake to eat from a magical tree..... yeah, makes perfect sense."
From: Ace* on
On Aug 1, 7:22 pm, Las Vegas Don <dstre...(a)> wrote:
> Communicate with others all around the world in a moderated forum.
> Everyone wants and needs a better, faster and smarter system!  Take a
> look, see if it will assist you with info and associations that will
> be useful and exciting!!  A collective positive awareness /
> information is always better and more useful than the alternatives we
> see.
> Don


From: Ace* on
Doesn't live in Vegas Gary-ItsuckstobeAce-NomenNeisco Blurted:
> My head is exploding

If only.

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